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Ultimate Charters


Bottom, Salmon and Tuna Fishing Charters In Westport – Ultimate Charters


Our bottom fishing trips are very popular with a season that runs from March to October. This is a great trip for first timers and kids to come out and experience. We target Rock fish and Lingcod with limits of two ling and ten rock fish. Both are a tasty white fish commonly used in fish and chip baskets.


Albacore Tuna fishing is amongst the top desirable fisheries offered. The migratory patterns of the fish brings droves of albacore schools near the coastline. We begin our trips starting August 27th and fish through September. Trips are 1½ days long and are offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

We use jigs while trolling and live anchovies while stopped.

We have coffee and water on board, as well as a microwave for your use. We keep the capacity at 6 people to ensure everyone has comfortable space to move about on the boat while out on this trip. My expertise in this industry and the ability to track where these fish are running will greatly increase your chances for a successful fishing excursion.

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